Scratch is a free educational programming language exists to attract students to building games with block codes. Blocks are like jigsaw puzzles,  Structures of multiple blocks are called scripts. The current version, 2.0, can be accessed by downloading as well as online! Virtually any where, any time and any pace. Scratch is designed to be exciting, educational, and easy to learn, but it does take practice like any puzzle. It has the tools for creating interactive stories, games, and more. Inside each character's costume is the ability to personalize and change characters, add sound.

Users program in Scratch by dragging blocks from the block plate and attaching them to other blocks like a jigsaw puzzle. This can be educationally incorporated into science, language arts story telling and art. 

I would use this innovative, game as a flipped model, to prepare my student a creative writing class. Students would have to create a short story and try to manifest it through piecing together a Scratch puzzle.