Analogous colors: three colors on the color wheel that are side by side.

Bit: the smallest unit of information that a computer understands.

Color wheel: an ordered progression of hues that helps a designer easily understand and select color combinations.

Complementary colors: colors that are located opposite from each other on the color wheel.

Cool colors: contain the color blue.

Primary hues: on the addictive color wheel, the colors are red, green, and blue.

Secondary hues: the secondary hues are cyan, magenta, and yellow.

Shade: darkening a hue.

Split-complementary colors: form an uneven triangle on the color wheel.

Tertiary hues: red-yellow, green-yellow, green-cyan, blue-cyan, blue-magenta, and red-magenta.

Tint: lightening a hue.

Triad colors: three colors on the color wheel that have an equal amount of distance between each one.

Typography: the act of art of expressing an idea by utilizing type faces or symbols.

Value: lightness and darkness of a hue.

Warm colors: hues that contain red.