
1 : generous in size, scope, or capacity : COPIOUS
2 : enough to satisfy a need

My grandma gave me forty dollars, which is ample money to buy a new video game. 


: to give up especially by treaty ceded Alaska to the U.S. in 1867>

After my half hour was up, I ceded the MP3 player to my sister, because we’d agreed to take turns.

1 : to cause to do something by the use of physical, moral, or mental pressure : FORCE compelled him to stay in bed>
2 : 1
EXACT, EXTORT <compel obedience>

After I cheated on the test, and my friend got blamed, I was compelled to confess, so he wouldn’t get in trouble.

1 : to lose soundness, health, strength, or vigor
2 : to go through or cause to go through decomposition decays> decayed in storage>

I found a decayed apple in my desk from three months ago, it was tiny and had turned brown.



1 : devoted to religion or to religious duties or exercises
2 : expressing devotion <a devout attitude>
3 a : devoted to an activity, belief, or type of behavior <a devout baseball fan> b : 2
EARNEST 1, sincere <gave them devout thanks>

I have watched every Cardinals baseball game this year, I am totally devout.


: to move or extend in different directions from a common point : draw apart <diverging rays of light> diverged>


When we weren't sure which way the ball would go, we diverged, some of us running left and some of us running right.




: to leave a country or region to live elsewhere


Shakti is a new student in our class. She emigrated from India to Indiana.


1 : no longer active <an extinct volcano>
2 : no longer existing <an extinct species of animal>

If global warming continues, the polar bears will have nowhere to hunt, and will become extinct because of a lack of food.


1 : FIERCE 1, savage
2 : very great : EXTREME <ferocious heat>


Tyrannosaurus Rex is supposed to have been the most ferocious of the dinosaurs.


1 : to grow well : THRIVE
2 a : PROSPER 1, succeed b : to be active <flourished around 1850>
3 : to make bold sweeping gestures
4 : to shake or wave around <flourish a sword>


After David got his cast removed, his basketball skills flourished.


: not accessible <an inaccessible area> <an inaccessible goal>

The closet is inaccessible; I think there’s a chair blocking the door.


1 a : avoiding or lacking extremes (as in behavior or temperature) moderate eater> <moderate climates> b : 3CALM 2, reasonable moderate>
2 a : neither very much nor very little : average in size or amount moderate rain> b : neither very good nor very bad : MEDIOCRE moderate success>
3 : opposed to major social change or extreme political ideas moderate candidate>
4 : not expensive : reasonable or low in price <moderate rates>

I received only moderate grades on my report card – mostly B’s and C’s.


1 : an act of making oneself responsible for doing something
2 a : something (as a promise or contract) that requires one to do something b : something one must do : DUTY
3 : a feeling of being indebted for an act of kindness


I have an obligation to help my friend with his science project because I promised him that I would.

1 : a surviving usually small part <remnants of a great civilization>
2 : something that remains or is left over <a remnant of cloth>


After my mom makes pie, I usually take the remnants of dough and make a little mini-tart for my baby sister.

to take away, to move

1 a : of, relating to, or resembling a republic b : favoring or supporting a republic
2 capitalized a : DEMOCRATIC-REPUBLICAN b : of, relating to, or being one of the two major political parties in the U.S.


Someone who says they are republican believes that supreme power belongs to the citizens through their right to vote.

a person's home; a place where someone lives


1 : to get away from action or danger : RETREAT
2 : to go away especially to be alone
3 : to give up or cause to give up one's job
4 : to go to bed
5 : to put out (a batter or side) in baseball
6 : to win permanent possession of (as a trophy)

Since its 10:00, and I have a big day tomorrow, I think that I will retire to bed.


1 : to keep away from others : SECRETE, HIDE <secluded themselves>
2 : to shut away : SCREEN, ISOLATE <a cottage secluded by forests>

Our clubhouse is in a secluded spot by the river so my brother can’t find it.


1 : to give support or relief to
2 : to supply with nourishment <food sustains our bodies>
3 : to keep up : PROLONG <a book that will sustain your interest>
4 : to support the weight of : CARRY
5 : to keep up the spirits of <hope sustained the people>
6 a : to bear up under : ENDURE b : 2
EXPERIENCE, UNDERGO <sustained a serious wound>
7 a : to support as true, legal, or just b : to allow or admit as right <the court sustained the motion>
8 : PROVE 2a, confirm

If I don’t want to get heat stroke during football practice, I will need to eat an apple to sustain me.


1 a : an indefinite stretch of land <a large tract of forest> b : a defined area of land <a garden tract>
2 : a system of body parts or organs that act together to perform some function <the digestive tract>

I keep hoping that my parents will put a pool into the tract of land behind our house.


: an agreement or arrangement made by negotiation; especially : one between two or more states or rulers

My mom made my brother and I sign a treaty, promising not to fight with each other during dinner and on Sunday.


1 : done, given, or made with one's own free will <voluntary assistance>
2 : not accidental : INTENTIONAL <voluntary manslaughter>
3 : of, relating to, or controlled by the will <voluntary behavior>
synonyms VOLUNTARY, INTENTIONAL, DELIBERATE, WILLING mean done or brought about of one's own will. VOLUNTARY suggests free choice <joining the club is voluntary> or control by the will <voluntary blinking of the eyes>. INTENTIONAL suggests that something is done for a reason and only after some thought <intentional misbehavior>. DELIBERATE suggests that one is fully aware of what one is doing and of the likely results of the action <a deliberate insult>. WILLING suggests a readiness and eagerness to go along with the wishes of another <willing obedience>. book=Student&va=Voluntary

Giving up my allowance to help the homeless was voluntary – no one made me do it.

1 : great suffering from loss, misfortune, or trouble
2 : 2
TROUBLE 1b <economic woes>


When my dad found out I broke the window in the kitchen, a C in math was not the worst of my woes.

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