
(ad-mish-un) The process or way of entering or being allowed to enter a place, organization, or institution.

Example: College admission requirements usually include SAT's and reccomendations from your teachers



The stage in your life where you are considered an adult and responsible for your self and your actions.


(Ad-voh-ket) A person who stands up for someone or something. 



a test of someone's skills or ability to do something


(kuh-rear) A job that has opportunities to move up in rank and in pay



Things that you need help with


(En-tree Leh-vel)

Jobs that you can get hired for without experience.

Individualized Education Plan

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

this is a written statement of the educational plan that is designed to meet your specific needs. 

Individualized Transition Plan

An Individualized Transition Plan is a program that you and your transition team design to help you achieve your goals for your life after high school.



An internship is a position or job that is only for a certain period of time that is focused on on-the-job training and can be paid or unpaid. 


(op-shuns) Choices that you can make


(Post-sec-un-derry) Post-secondary means after high school. Postsecondary goals focus on

  1. education/training
  2. career
  3. living skills and arrangements

Service Agency Provider

There are organizations that offer you help to find a job and provide services to help you keep that job.


Parts or sections


Things that come easily to you



People who provide therapy or help you to get better at a skill. Therapists help you to overcome challenges



the process of changing from one way to another. The process of making a change from one level or area to another. A carefully planned process which help students move from school to adult life in the community


To do something without being paid. Volunteer opportunities allow you to learn about jobs and how to do them