
carve - is an action word, and it means "to cut a hard material to shape or design it." It is used to make statues out of wood, stone, or clay. When you use tools to shape wood into a shape you are carving the wood. 

Carving a Wooden Spoon


coast - a noun that is a place. It is the land near the edge of the sea. A coast usually has sand or rocks near the water.

Where the sea or an ocean meets land and is a coast.

Where rivers or smaller bodies of water meet land are not coasts.


culture - a noun that is a thing. It is a set of beliefs, values, traditions, foods, religions, clothes, artwork, and everyday habits unique to a group of people. It is used to unite people from similar backgrounds and who have similar values. Eating hamburgers, watching football, and pledging to an American flag are all a part of the American culture. 

American Culture


history - it is a noun that is a thing. It is the study of humans and events that happened in the past. It includes looking at papers and objects from an event or about an event to learn more about an event or time. It is used to tell stories of things that have already happened and to learn from different interactions between people or groups of people.

When someone learns how the first human beings cooked and lived by looking at some of the things they made including tools and drawings, they are studying the history of the first humans. 

History of Cavemen,_cavemen_-_National_Museum_of_Mongolian_History.jpg


resource - a noun that is a thing. It is a supply of an item that can benefit someone or a group of people. It includes natural resources like clean water, animals and plants for food, and forests and rocks for building materials. Other resources include money, knowledge, and services. A resource is used to help meet a person's needs.

totem poles

totem pole - a noun that is a thing. It is a wooden log or plank that is a sacred item or symbol. It has carvings to represent the spirits of one's family spirits. The carvings are usually of animals or faces to represent family members that have died. They are used to tell the story of family's history. 

Totem Pole


trade - is an action word, and it means "to buy, sell, or exchange" an item. It is used to give something away and then receive something else. When some one gives a friend a blue lollipop and recieves his/her friend's red lollipop they have traded lollipops. 

Video of trading


tradition - a noun that is a thing. It is something that is handed down from one generation to another, from one age group to another. It is a continued pattern. It includes an item or object, a repeated event, and ideas or beliefs.

When a mother gives a ring to her daughter who then gives it to her daughter and the patterned is continued this is a tradition. 

Putting the star on the top of a christmas tree every year is a tradition. 

Video about Tradition


wool - a noun that is a thing. It is the soft curly hair from sheep and other animals collected and brushed to be woven together. It is used to make yarn for clothes and rugs. Warm winter socks and other clothing objects are made from wool

Wool from an Alpaca