
To make a deal is to make an arrangement or agreement.

Ex: I made a deal, with my parents, to do my homework every day.


To explain means to clarify a statement and make it understandable.

Ex: My older sister explained how to solve the problems on my math homework. 


When something is fair it means that it is the right thing to do. 

Ex: Janice was fair when she gave everyone a cookie.


To impress means to affect deeply or strongly in mind or feelings. 

Ex: I was impressed with how nicely he was dressed. 


To prove something means to show that it is true. 

Ex: I can prove this book is mine because it has my name on it. 


Responsible means able to be trusted or depended upon.  A responsible person is reliable. 

Ex: I am responsible to keep my room clean. 


Unfair is the opposite of fair.  Something that is unfair is not the right thing. 

Ex: It was unfair to miss my baseball game because I didn't finish my homework.