
A body part or behavior that helps a plant or animal meet its needs in its environment. Example: Polar bears have adapted by having thick fur, which keeps them warm.

Pair of polar bears
Thick fur keeps these polar bears warm
Pair of Polar Bears. 2010. Image. 11 April 2010. <>.


The color or pattern of an animal that allows it to blend in with its environment.

Camouflaged Katydid
Can you spot the camouflaged katydid?
Katydid, Leaf (3). 2004. Image. 11 April 2010. <>.


Everything that surrounds and affects an animal or plant. This includes both living and nonliving things.

Rain Forest Environment
Fern trees in a rain forest environment
Fern trees and other plants in rain forest (1). 2003. Image. 11 April 2010. <>.


During this period, an animal goes into a long sleep. The amount of energy the animal uses during this time is very low.


A behavioral adaptation an animal is born with. (migration)


A group of animals travel to one region during a given time of year. Once that period is over, the group of animals will travel back to their original region.


When an animal or plant looks like another animal or plant. Often an animal will try to appear like a more dangerous animal.


A substance than an organism (animal/plant) needs in order to live.