
Component (n.) - part; a piece that makes something work

Example sentence: When Samuel took apart the watch, he found out that it was made of many components


Counter-argument (n.) - a technique used by a writer to first explain why the reader may disagree and then to respond to that predicted disagreement

Example sentence: The author's counter-argument persuaded me to agree with her. 

Example of a counter-argument: "Some people might think that the students would use the new computers to visit inappropriate websites. However, the school could use software to block those sites." 


Elaborate (v.) - to add more detail; to explain further

Example sentence: After Jennifer elaborated upon why she chose the chocolate ice cream, I understood her decision better. 


Elaborate (n.) - extremely detailed; intricate; complex

Example sentence: The painting was so elaborate that I knew it had taken the artist a long time to create. 

Expository writing

Expository Writing (n.) - a type of writing meant to explain, describe, or inform.  

Example sentence: Reports, persuasive essays, analytical essays, and informational articles are different types of expository writing


Prompt (n.) - a direction to do something 

Example sentence: The prompt told me to write an essay about what I did last summer


Prompt (v.) - to cause one to do something

Example sentence: The mysterious situation surrounding his death prompted a police investigation.  


Prompt (adj.) - to do something quickly or immediately

Example sentence: After the bell rang, Gerald promptly went to class. 


Rubric (n.) - a chart used to score or evaluate something (usually by indicating the characteristics that correspond to specific scores/grades)

Example sentence: Using the rubric, the teacher showed me that my assignment earned a B because I did not include transitions words. 


Transition (n.) - a change 

Example sentence: The transition into the second main idea was confusing because the writer did not start a new paragraph. 


Transition (v.) - to move from one subject/state/place to another; to change 

Example sentence: I transitioned into my new high school easily because I quickly made many friends.