
A mineral commonly found in milk and dairy products that helps keeps our bones and teeth strong


A nutrient that helps the body get energy; there are two types of carbohydrates: sugars and starches.


a nutrient that helps store energy and keep our body warm; there are two types of fat: saturated ("bad" fat) and unsaturated ("good" fat)


Any substance that is taken into our bodies for energy and growth


A mineral that helps carry oxygen in the blood; commonly found in spinach


Nutrients that help keep the body strong and healthy; minerals include iron, calcium, and potassium, among others.


The "pieces" that make up the puzzle of our food.  There are six nutrients that make up the food we eat.


A mineral commonly found in bananas that helps keep our bodies growing correctly


A nutrient that helps keep our muscles strong; found primarily in meats and beans

saturated fat

The "bad" fat that is found in solid fats like butter.  We want to try to eat less of these!


A type of "complex" carbohydrate.  Starches give long-lasting energy and are found in breads, potatoes, and pastas.


A type of "simple" carbohydrates.  Sugars give short bursts of energy, and too much of them can be unhealthy.

unsaturated fat

"Good" fat found in liquid fats such as oils; we want to eat more of this type of fat!


A type of nutrient that helps keep our body healthy and strong; many vitamins are named by letter (A, C, and D, for example)


The most important nutrient for our bodies to have!