
Main Entry: 2access
Function: verb
: to get at : gain access to 


Main Entry: 1ben·e·fit 
Pronunciation: primarystressben-schwa-secondarystressfit
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English benefet, benefit "good deed," derived from Latin bene factum (same meaning), frombene factus, past participle of bene facere "to do good," from bene "well" (akin to bonus "good") and facere "to do, make" --related to BONUSFASHION
1 a : something that does good to a person or thing <thebenefits of fresh air and sunshine> b : useful aid HELP<had to perform without the benefit of a rehearsal>


One entry found for blizzard.


Main Entry: bliz·zard 
Pronunciation: primarystressbliz-schward
Function: noun
1 : a long heavy snowstorm
2 : a very strong cold wind filled with fine snow
3 : an overwhelming rush or deluge <a blizzard of mail> 


One entry found for compassion.


Main Entry: com·pas·sion 
Pronunciation: kschwam-primarystresspash-schwan
Function: noun
: sorrow or pity caused by the suffering or misfortune of another SYMPATHY 


Main Entry: 1dis·trust 
Pronunciation: (primarystress)dis-primarystresstrschwast
Function: verb
: to have no trust or confidence in 


One entry found for instinct.


Main Entry: in·stinct 
Pronunciation: primarystressin-secondarystressstieng(k)t
Function: noun
1 : a natural ability or inclination
2 a : an act or course of action in response to a stimulus that is usually inherited and is automatic rather than learnedb : behavior that is based on automatic actions 


One entry found for menace.


Main Entry: 2menace
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): men·acedmen·ac·ing
1 : to make a show of intention to harm THREATEN
men·ac·ing·ly  /primarystressmen-schwa-sieng-lemacronadverb 


Main Entry: 2plight
Function: noun
: a usually bad condition or state PREDICAMENT <in a sorryplight


One entry found for relationship.


Main Entry: re·la·tion·ship 
Pronunciation: ri-primarystresslamacr-shschwan-secondarystressship
Function: noun
1 : the state of being related <study languagerelationships>
2 KINSHIP <claimed relationship with the mayor>; also : a specific instance or type of this <family relationships>
3 : a state of affairs existing between those having shared dealings <good doctor-patient relationships>


One entry found for sizzle.


Main Entry: siz·zle 
Pronunciation: primarystresssiz-schwal
Function: verb
Inflected Form(s): siz·zledsiz·zling  /-(schwa-)lieng/
: to make a hissing sound in or as if in burning or frying 
sizzle noun 
siz·zler  /-(schwa-)lschwarnoun 


One entry found for talon.


Main Entry: tal·on 
Pronunciation: primarystresstal-schwan
Function: noun
: the claw of an animal and especially of a bird of prey 


One entry found for trickster.


Main Entry: trick·ster 
Pronunciation: primarystresstrik-stschwar
Function: noun
: one who tricks: as a : a dishonest person who cheats others by trickery b MAGICIAN 


Main Entry: vul·ture 
Pronunciation: primarystressvschwal-chschwar
Function: noun
1 : any of various large birds that feed mostly on animals found dead and that are related to the hawks and eagles but have weaker claws and the head usually naked