
Carnivores are animals that eat meat. Animals that have sharp teeth and claws may be meat eaters.

endangered species

An endangered species is when a type of animal is at risk of no longer living. The animals are labeled "endangered" to help people realize they are in need of protecting.


A litter is the birth of baby animals from one set of parents. A litter has more than two baby animals that are born. There are litters of kittens, puppies, tiger cubs, and other mammals.


A territory is the land an animal lives on. One animal, a pair of the same animal, or a group of the same animal may live on this area of land. Animals defend this land if other animals try to enter. A group of tigers may live in the same area of land, but if another group of animals come to the land the tigers will defend their land.

Think of it this way- A stranger can't just walk into your home if they want to. Your parents would not let them in because your house is their territory, not a stranger's.