carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is part of the air around us. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. Humans and animals do the opposite. We breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide.
Carbon dioxide and oxygen are part of air!

cell membrane

The cell membrane lets in what the cell needs. It also keeps out things the cell does not want. It has small tunnels that open and close.

cell wall

The green in the picture is the cell wall. The cell wall is hard, and protects the inside of the cell. It also helps the plant keep its shape. If plants did not have cell walls, they would not stand up straight.


Plants and animals are made up of cells. Brick buildings are made up of many bricks. Plants and animals are made up of many cells. 

This picture shows plant cells under a microscope.


Chloroplasts use light energy to make food energy for the plant.


The cytoplasm is where all of the cell organelles are located. It is a very watery jelly. 


Decomposers turn dead plants and animals into food for plants. Mushrooms and some types of bacteria are decomposers.


Energy lets us do things. There are many different types of energy. Sugar is a type of energy for plants and animals. It lets them grow.


A factory is a place where a product is made. For example, chocolate is made in a factory. People have different jobs in factories, but everyone has the same goal. In a cell, the goal is to stay alive. In a factory, the goal is to make something.

This is a picture inside a toy factory.


Fruit and vegetables are the parts of a plant that contain seeds. Plants want animals to eat the fruit. They want the seeds to grow somewhere else and make new plants. 

All kinds of fruit have seeds.


Leaves are where photosynthesis happens in a plant. This is because leaves are closer to the sun. Photosynthesis comes from the words photo  which means "light", and synthesis, which means "putting together."

living things

Living things are made up of cells. They need to take in energy to stay alive. 

The arrows point to the animal that eats the other animal.


A microscope is a tool we use to see very small things. Some things are too small for us to see without help. Cells are an example of something we can't see without a microscope. 

This is what an ant looks like under a microscope.


Minerals help living things grow and stay healthy.


Mitochondria turn sugar into energy. If there is only one it is called a "mitochondrion." Every cell contains mitochondria.

This picture shows the inside of a mitochondrion.


Mitochondria turn sugar into energy. If there is only one it is called a "mitochondrion." Every cell contains mitochondria.


The nucleus is like the brain of the cell. It tells all of the other cell parts what to do. If there is more than one nucleus, they are called "nuclei."

Pictures of nuclei show them cut open. The ball inside is called the "nucleolus." Inside of the nucleolus is the DNA of the cell. DNA is the information of the cell.


Organelles are the things inside the cell. Each organelle has a different job. In the human body, we have something similar. We have organs. Our heart, brain, liver, stomach, and other organs each have special jobs. Organelles are the organs of the cell. 

All of the labels point to different organelles in the cell.


Oxygen is part of the air around us. Plants breathe in carbon dioxide, and breathe out oxygen. Humans and animals do the opposite. We breathe in oxygen, and breathe out carbon dioxide.


Plants use photosynthesis to make energy. They have chloroplasts. They also have cell walls. Animals do not have chloroplasts or cell walls.


Roots are the part of the plant that grows under the ground. They absorb water and nutrients from soil.



Soil is another name for dirt. Soil is made up of many things. When living things die, they become part of the soil. They give their nutrients and water back to the soil.


The stem is the part of the plant above the roots. It is usually above the soil. Water and nutrients travel through the stem to get from the roots to the leaves. 


The stomata are little holes in the leaves of a plant. They let carbon dioxide come in to the plant. They let water and oxygen go out of the plant. 


Vacuoles hold water and other things the cell needs. Plant cells usually have one big vacuole called the "central vacuole." They also have many smaller ones in the cell.


Fruit and vegetables are the parts of a plant that contain seeds. Plants want animals to eat the vegetables. They want the seeds to grow somewhere else and make new plants.