House of Burgesses

first representative form of government based on English laws in America

indentured servants

a debt and then is free to work for pay; many English colonists came over to America this way


Established in 1607, it was England's 1st permanent colony in North America

John Rolfe

discovered how to grow a sweet tobacco in Jamestown, and he married Pocohontas which helped bring peace between colonists and the Powhattan

John Smith

strong leader of Jamestown who forced the colonists to plant food and build shelter rather than look for gold

John White Colony

England's 2nd attempt to set up a permanent colony in North America at Roanoke Island. It ran low on supplies, had conflict with natives, and is a mystery as to why it exactly vanished.

Lord De La Warr

strong leader of Jamestown who forced the colonists to plant food and build shelter rather than look for gold

Ralph Lane Colony

1585 colony attempt which failed at Roanoke Island due to conflict with natives, poor eadership, and lack of food

representative government

when people have a say in their leaders and laws; it was a type of government set up at Jamestown called the House of Burgesses

Sir Walter Raleigh

Queen Elizabeth of England gave him a charter to explore a set up a permanent colony in North America at Roanoke Island.