
Blues is a secular folk music created by black Americans in the early 20th century. It originated in the South.  The blues simple but expressive forms had become one of the most important influences on the development of popular music  throughout the United States.  The blues are songs expressing feelings rather than telling stories. The emotion expressed is generally one of sadness often due to problems in love.

Singing the Blues
Singing the Blues
Singing the BluesCreative Commons

dust bowl

A period of severe dust storms causing major ecological and agricultural damage to American lands in the 1930s.  It was caused by severe drought combined with poor farming methods that were common at the time.

Dust Bowl
Dust Storm of 1937
Farmer standing in his field as dust storm rages.Creative Commons


The Hindenburg was a German dirigible (rigid frame blimp) or zeppelin operating in the mid-1930s that was destroyed by fire due to an explosion in 1937. Its destruction was captured by newsreel, and a famous radio broadcast narration by Herb Morrison at the Lakehurst Naval Air Station.

Hindenburg begins to fall seconds after catching fire.
Hindenburg begins to fall seconds after catching fire.
The Hindenburg begins to fall seconds after catching fire.

installment plan

The installment plan is when an item is bought over a set period of time by making payments in a lesser amount for the item. It became popular during the Great Depression when family incomes were insufficient to buy items outright.

Ad for sale of radio.
Ad for sale of radio.
Ad for the sale of a radio on the installment plan.,r:6,s:0,i:103


Jazz is a musical form, often improvisational, developed by African Americans and influenced by both European harmonic structure and African rhythms. It was developed partially from ragtime and blues and is often characterized by modified rhythms and varying degrees of improvisation.  It often has deliberate deviations of pitch and the use of original sounds.

Jazz players
An impromptu performance by a jazz band.Creative Commons

little tramp

The Tramp is movie character played by Charlie Chaplin.  He protrays a bumpling, good hearted vagrant who behaves with the manners and dignity of a gentleman despite his actual social status.  While he is ready to take what paying work he can, he also uses his cunning to get what he needs to survive and escape the authority figures who will not tolerate his antics.

Charlie Chaplin
Charlie Chaplin in the movie, "Gold Rush"
Charlie Chaplin sitting out in the cold in the movie, "The Gold Rush".Universal Studios


A record or record album was the most common medium for the sale and distribution of music for much of the 20th century until they were replaced by compact discs (CD) in the 1980s. They were generally referred to by their revolutions per minute (RPM), i.e. 45, 33 1/3, and 78.

Comparison of various size records and a CD.
A 12-inch (30 cm) 331⁄3 rpm record (left), a 7-inch 45 rpm record (right), and a 5-inch (120 mm) Compact Disc (above).
Comparison of various size records and a CD.


Talkie is another name for "Talking Pictures".  When dialogue was first added to movies, the movies were called "Talking Pictures" versus the predecessor of "Silent Movies."

Talking Movies
Preparations for moving makingCreative Commons

The Great Depression

The Great Depression of 1929 was a worldwide economic depression that lasted for 10 years.

Poor migrant mother and children in a temporary shelter during Depression
Poor migrant family during Depression

The Harlem Renaissance

An era from the early 1920s to the mid-1930s that was marked by the flowering of the arts in the African-American community that spread throughout the nation. Its impact was significant in many areas, but most especially in literature and music.

The Harlem Renaissance image.
The Harlem Renaissance image.
Art deco imagery from jazz club representing the Harlem Renaissance.

unemployment rate

The percentage of the total labor force that is unemployed but actively seeking employment and willing to work.

Man actively seeking employment holding a sign which says "Looking for a Job."
Man actively seeking employment