20th Century

A period of time from 1901-2000.


Arnold Schoenberg

He was a man who was a composer in the 20th century!  He was from Austria adn lived there for most of his life.  He moved to the U.S. in 1934.


Chromatic Scale

A musical scale with 12 different pitches, each a half-step above or below another.



When a person creates a new piece of music from scratch!

It's like making a batch of cookies from scratch.


1- Using all of the ingrediants you need

2- Using the ingrediants in a specific order

3- Mixing just the right amount of each ingrediant into the batter

4-Baking the cookies for the correct amout nof time

5- Sit back and enjoy the cookies!


Musical Composition:

1- Putting all of the right marks of expression in the music

2- Creating a melody that satisfies the person composing

3- Putting all of the musical ingrediants on the score or piece of paper

4- Creating a piece of music that is satisfying for the listener

5- Sit back and enjoy the music you created!

Tone Rows

An ordering of pitches that does not repete.  It is also known as a note row.


Here are some examples of tone rows: