19th century

the 1800s


The movement to abolish (eliminate, get rid of) slavery.


A new law added to our U.S. Constitution


one of your graphic organizers.

Stands for "Before, During, After"  as in,an event or time period

Bill of Rights

The first ten (10) amendments to the U.S. Constitution


an economic system in which investment in and ownership of the means of production, distribution, andexchange of wealth is made and maintained chiefly by private individuals or corporations


to make (an idea, statement, etc.) clear.

You should understand it once it's been clarified for you. If not, ask your partner or me!


A part of, a piece


What happened as a result of what was going on, in history, at the time   It can also be defined as 'after' the event.

For example, since cell phones were invented, people began speaking on the everywhere (before), so the government passed a "hands-free" law (event) to keep drivers safe. As a consequence, (after) people can get a ticket if caught on their phone while driving.


The laws of the United States Government.  Also sets up our federal three branches of government along with job responsibilities.  The bill of rights is part of the U.S. Constiution.


People vote in order to make decisions and have their voices heard, and counted.

historical circumstances

What was going on, in history, at the time that prompted (caused) people to react with some sort of event.  It can also be defined as 'before' the event.

For example, since cell phones were invented, people began speaking on the everywhere (before), so the government passed a "hands-free" law (event) to keep drivers safe. 


started, began to


To take a guess, using your prior knowledge, images, titles, etc.,  as to what YOU think will happen next.


as in "reciprocal teaching" = "given, performed, felt, etc., in return"  When students work with one another in order to better understand the content/lesson.  Students go back and forth (take turns) sharing their ideas, questions, and answers.


The right to vote

Summarize, Summary

A short writing piece that covers a longer piece.  A summary should:

  1. be shorter than the original
  2. cover the main ideas (from the entire text)
  3. usually be written in sequencial order.