
The first letters from different words that one uses to create a new shorter word.  For example: CRAAP

C = currency

R = relavance

A = authority

A = accuracy

P = propaganda

advanced search

The advanced search is a search engine feature for our school library catalog and databases. Use this feature to narrow down your search by using different filters. 


An article you may read, or a website, may be biased if the author has a prejudice or strong views against someone or something.


Boolean refers to the Boolean Operators AND, OR, and NOT.  The number of search results will either increase, or decrease depending upon the particular Boolean Operator you wish to use, in your advanced search. 


You will need to use citation(s) in your research paper or project. Citation(s) are used to give credit to the author for each source of information you use in your research inquiry process. 




EBooks are electronic web-based books that you can find in our library catalog and databases. EBooks are flexible media, in that you may be able to translate the content into other languages, enlarge the print font size, make annotations, and have the text read aloud to you. 


Keywords are words that are very important to your research. For example if you are searching for information about maple trees, and how one can make maple syrup from these trees in Vermont, you would use the keywords: maple syrup, Vermont, trees, and maple trees.  When you type these keywords into your search engine, you will receive results, which are relevant to your research project. 

online electronic databases

Our school library databases contain content specific information, such as:  journal and magazine articles, ebooks, reference articles, podcasts, primary source documents, and government documents, which can be retrieved electronically via our online electronic databases.


Paraphrase is when you need to reword the information from another person for research purposes. The best way to do this is to read the information, and then without looking at it, explain it to another person using your own words.  


Pathfinders are "paths" that the teacher librarian creates for you, to help you find the information that you need, for your reseach paper or project. The pathfinder will usually include resources from our databases, websites, library catalog, and books. 



Communications to the public that are designed to influence opinion, which may be biased. 

Research Inquiry Process

Research inquiry process is a process, in which school librarians are trained to guide you through your research inquiry paper or project. The process consists of specific steps that help you develop questions about your topic, cannect to background knowledge, create search strategies, evaluate, connect, conclude, present, and share information, which results in the creation of new knowledge and understandings. 

search engine

A software program that retrieves the results of keyword and advanced searches.


A specific plan of action that will help you achieve your results. 


A series of steps that will help you draw conclusions from your research inquiry. 
