Web Design Vocabulary 

Mrs. Scott

9th period Web Design

Lesson 11

Clip art – is ready-made art that is available to use without having to edit it in any graphics application

Compression – to make smaller, in the sense that the amount of information is reduced

File format – the arrangement in which data is saved in order to display it in a certain way.

GIF – a file format that can be viewed equally well on every kind of computer

Icon-  a small symbolic graphics, can be used as a part of the user’s interface

Index color – reduced color mapping of 8-bit or less

JPEG – stands for Join Photographic Experts Group

Raster – An image that is made up of pixels

Vector – based on a mathematical formula

Lesson 12

Print-based layout method- The first method, which takes in account that people are already accustomed to viewing content in printed material in a certain way. When you read a book, for example, your eye automatically goes to the top left corner of the page and you begin to read from left to right.

Screen-based layout method- The second method of guiding the eye, on a screen a user scans the content in effective sweeping motions, rather than the traditional method


Lesson 13

Analogous colors – Are groups of colors that are adjacent to each other on the color wheel with one being the dominant color, which tends to be a primary or secondary color, and two on either side complementing which tend to be tertiary

Bit – a small piece, part or quantity of something

Color wheel – a circle with different colored sectors used to show the relationship between colors

Complementary colors – colors directly opposite each other in the color spectrum, such as red and green or blue and orange, that when combined in the right proportions, produce white light

Cool colors – white, gray, and green

Primary hues – Any of a group of colors from which all other colors can be obtained by mixing

Secondary hues – Color resulting from the mixing of two primary colors

Shade – a color especially with regard to how light or dark it is or as distinguished from on nearly like it

Split-complementary colors – Scheme is a variation of the complementary color scheme

Tertiary hues – are a combination of full saturation of one primary color plus half saturation of another primary color and none of a third primary color

Tint – a shade or variety of color          

Triad colors – three colors equally spaced around the color wheel

Typography – the work of setting and arranging types and of printing from them

Value – the lightness or darkness of tones or colors

Warm colors – red, yellow, browns, and tan


Lesson 14

1.  Active white space- blank areas on a web page that are placed on purpose

2. Alignment – the content of a page has the same alignment

3. Consistency – to have uniformity from page to page

4. Grid – a conceptual design tool that divides a page into rows and columns in order to help the webmaster structure the layout of a page

5. Passive white space – the result of incomplete and mismatched shapes

6. Proximity- refers to how close one element is to another

7. Repetition – the process of repeating elements throughout a web site

1. What are three elements that can be used to carry a theme through a Web site?

Color, graphics, and layout.

2. How can the lack of consistency confuse a user?

They will not feel comfortable, because everything will keep changing. This will infuriate the user and they will most likely not come back to the website.

3. Why is a home page sometimes designed differently from its subpages?

To distinguish the home page from the rest of the site.

4. What feature in Dreamweaver helps you to easily repeat elements throughout a Web site?
