The Ice Skating Adventure

Written by: Marisol Murrietta

Once upon a time there was a young maid named Elizabeth. She worked as a maid for the king of London, England. When she turned sixteen years old, the king made a deal with her. “If you go ice skate for more than two days without food or a heavy jacket, you will get to marry my son.” “ I don’t know how to ice skate. But if I am able to marry the prince and get out of these filthy clothes, I will do it.” So Elizabeth agreed and was thinking of how to survive without a heavy jacket or no food for two days.

The next few days were rough. She didn’t want to die but at the same time she wanted to be a princess. The days were scheduled for the coldest days. So they chose December sixteenth through the nineteenth. It was already the twelfth  and she only had a few days to prepare.

When the day arrived she was nervous. She didn’t know how to ice skate, she didn't want to freeze and die, and she did not want to fall and make a fool of herself. It was too late to back out know. She put on the ice skates, and got on the ice. She was spinning in circles trying not to fall, but at the same time she couldn’t stand it! “Ugh, I’m horrible at this, I’m giving up on myself."

As soon as she said that she fell into a hole in which she was going to freeze. “Help, Help, I need help I’m going to freeze and die.” You didn’t know this but the prince didn’t know nothing about the ice skating challenge. So when he heard “help” he came to the rescue. He saw Elizabeth freezing in the cold water. He pulled her out of the water and said “are you ok.” “ I’m fine but I am cold” said Elizabeth. Let me get you some warmth” said the prince

So they went by a warm fire and were getting to know each other. They were laughing so hard and enjoying their time together. The prince taught Elizabeth how to ice skate and she became the most graceful ice skater. They soon got married and lived happily ever after.

                                          The End