The World of Opposites

The Eiffel Tower is tall. The ant is short.

Author and Illustrator: Ms. O's Kindergarten Class

A cheetah is fast. A turtle is slow.

The front of the book. The back of the book.

The glass is empty. The glass is full.

Skittles are sour. Cake is sweet.

I am quiet. I am loud.

A superhero is powerful. A little boy is weak.

The string is tight. The tooth is loose.

I am going for a run. I stop at a stop sign.

A flower is beautiful. A monkey is ugly.

The door is closed. The door is open.

He takes a toy. He gives a toy.

Ocean City is far! Home is near!

The dragon flies up. The dragon goes down.

The rocks sink. The ball floats.

My room is neat. My room is messy.

Rocks are hard. A bed is soft.

Potatoes are long. Apples are short.

This girl is pushing a rock. This girl is pulling a rock.

The car goes left. The car goes right.

The man is old. The kid is young.

The girl is happy because she has a piece of cake. The girl is sad because she lost her toy.

The moon is dark at night. The sun is bright in the day.

The End