¡Vamos a viajar por España!

Let's travel through Spain!

Andalucia is the region in Southern Spain where many olive trees can be found
Olive Trees in Andalucia (Southern Spain)


Though Spain is relatively small, it has numerous regions with distinctive cultures and geography.  Let's visit some unique and beautiful parts of Spain! 

The Alhambra - Islamic Spain's capital in Granada
This is the Alhambra, it was the residence of the Islamic (Moorish) ruler of Southern Spain until Ferdinand and Isabel conquered Granada in 1492
Granada, a key Spanish city in Andalucia,  was one of Islamic Spain's capitals until 1492.  The Christian kings, Isabel and Ferdinand won the battle for Granada in 1492, the same year they helped finance the journey of Columbus to the New World. 

More detail of beautiful Islamic architecture
Close up of column - Islamic architecture at the Alhambra in Granada

¡Vamos a viajar por el norte!

Let's travel through the north!

The striking green and blue coast of Northern Spain
The northern coastal town of Ribadesella on the Cantabric Sea


Though smaller than Texas, Spain's geography is very different from one coast to the other.  While Southern Spain is hot, dry and sparsely vegetated, Northern Spain is green, lush and wet. 

¡Vamos a mirar la España romana!

Let's look at Roman Spain!

In Segovia Spain - Statue of Romulus and Remus - Mythical Founders of Rome
Roman Acueduct in Segovia Spain - Statue of the mythical founders of Rome - Romulus and Remus


From the first century, Spain was an integral part of the Roman Empire.  The first Roman emporer from outside of Rome was from Spain.  His name was Trajan and the Roman name for Spain was Hispania.

The ancient Roman aqueduct lies in the middle of the town of Segovia
Segovia's Roman aqueduct cuts right through the middle of town. It was designed to bring water to town from surrounding mountains.

The Acala Gate - One of Madrid's many monuments
In Madrid - The Acala Gate - One of Madrid's many monuments


¡Vamos a explorar la capital!


Let's explore the capital!

The Royal Palace

Madrid's striking royal palace at night
Madrid's striking royal palace at night


Madrid is the capital of Spain and home to its goverment  buildings.  Spain got rid of their king and queen in the early twentieth century, but they returned to prominence in the late 1970's, however, they do not live in the royal palace. 

Ornate interior of the royal palace
Interior ceilinig of the royal palace - Astonishing level of ornateness

A long view of the royal palace
The royal palace is surrounded by parks and plazas

¡Vamos a terminar en la Puerta del Sol!


Let's finish our tour in Puerta del Sol!

Madrid's busiest plaza - La puerta del sol
Madrid's busiest plaza - La puerta del sol - The door of the sun


Madrid's busiest plaza is called La Puerta del Sol, which means, the door of the sun.  La Puerta del Sol is in the very center of Madrid, and Madrid is in the very center of Spain.  This is a good place to end our tour.