Understanding the 21st Century Learner

21st Century Learner Cartoon

In this session, you will review the literature on the expectations and preferences of varied generations of learners, and discover the implications of their mindset and worldview.

The coaches will help read the content and ask questions to guide your thinking.  

Read the following article.  Use the coaches to have the abstract read aloud and for questions to consider.

Digital Natives Debate

Bennett, S. J., Maton, K. A. & Kervin, L. K. (2008). The 'digital natives' debate: a critical review of the evidence. British Journal of Educational Technology, 39 (5), 775-786

What Makes a Digital Native?

For starters, they take technology for granted, says author Marc Prensky.

View the video at the link below:
Frontline: digital_nation: What Makes a Digital Native?

Digital Native

Jason Dorsey: How To Lead Four Generation a Work Keynote 2011.

View the video below.


With or without technology create a portfolio to illustrate ideas and thoughts about the digital natives and digital immigrants.  Include at least one page of text written by you, one page of pictures and descriptions, and one page of other media (journal article summary, personal video clip, etc.) Showcase your work in a method you prefer. Examples include: Scrapbook, Wiki, Google site, or Slideshow. 

Use the following questions to guide your thinking.

Describe your thoughts on what Marc Prensky described as “Digital Natives and Digital Immigrants”.  Do you believe that his description is accurate; that people born into technology rich environments are more adept at using said technology?  Do you believe that because you were not born into that technology that you are less able to use technology?   In addition, describe how generational differences in our school systems might either further or delay the integration of technology into teaching and learning practices.  What sort of skills do teachers and administrators need to possess as they deal with both the generational difference and technology use differences across their organizations?