The Daily Routines

Melisa Carvajal, Leidy Urriago, Hanithze Gacha y Yuly Camelo

In one distant city the  Marion's family was watching tv on Sunday evening during dinner time as usual.

When everybody was sleeping Marian dreamed that she was an airline pilot and she travelled for a fantastic world.

In the dream she arrived to a country with many strange animals and with a very hot climate. When she began to walk  she  looked at a big animal which wanted to eat her.  She ran very fast and in that moment she woke up. 

She got up and she had breakfast. She told her mother of her mysterious journey and quickly she left to school.

When she  arrived to school, she looked for her best friend Claire to tell her about her dream.

They left to Marian home  to have lunch and to do homework later they played to imagine that they were arline pilots.

They played with all the Marian toys by creating the fantastic world of the dream thinking that dolls were animals and that bed sheets were a big lake etc. 

They played during everything afternoon until the moment when the mother of Claire arrived to pick her up.

Marian slept believing that this evening.  She could dream the same thing once again but the night passed very fast and the day began again.

All week the topic of conversation in all the places was Marian and her big dream and the idea to go into a big world.

Finally, his father gave her a great surprise  for the end of the school year, it was a trip to know Africa.