The Lion and the Mouse

A retelling by Alex Lonnemann

One day, the Lion was taking a nap in the woods when the Mouse walked by him.

The Mouse saw the Lion and became afraid. He tried to run away quickly but accidentally ran over the Lion's paw!

The Lion was startled and smashed his hand on top of the Mouse. He was trying to kill the Mouse!

The Mouse squeaked, "Please do not hurt me! If you let me go, I promise one day I will be able to repay you!"

The Lion laughed at the Mouse. How  could a little mouse ever repay him? However, the Lion was feeling kind that day, so he decided to let the Mouse go.

A couple of days later, the Lion was walking through the woods. He accidentally stepped on a poacher's net and was caught!

Hearing the Lion's roars for help, the Mouse ran quickly to the net and began to gnaw. By chewing a hole in the net, the Mouse was able to free the Lion!

"You laughed when I said that I would repay you," said the Mouse. "But now you see that even a Mouse can help a Lion."

Always remember that kindness is never wasted.