The History of 3 Religions 

There are three religions that come out of the Middle East that are widely discussed and well known; Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. All three share two commonalities. First of all, they are all monotheistic, meaning that they all worship one God. The second thing that all three of these religions have in common is the Holy City of Jerusalem. All three religions consider this city to be a sacred holy land.


The three commonly know monotheistic religions have many differences which are important to recognize. Judaism is the oldest of the three religions. People who practice Judaism are referred to as Jewish, Jews, or Israelites. The founder of the religion is the prophet Abraham. There are three different types of Judaism, Orthodox, Conservative, and Reformed. Judaism is classified by the belief that the Messiah is coming, but has not yet arrived. Unlike Christians and Muslims, Jewish people worship in a synagogue and refer to their Supreme Being as Yahweh. Their holy book is called the Torah. 



Christianity was the second of the monotheistic religions to come into being. One who practices Christianity is referred to as a Christian. Christianity is based around the belief that the founder, Jesus Christ, is the Messiah, or Savior that the Jewish people were waiting for. They worship in a church and refer to their holy book as the Bible. Christians refer to their Supreme Being as God. LIke Judaism and Islam there are multiple types of Christianity. There is Roman Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox. 

Islam is youngest or newest of the three monotheistic religions. That isn't to say that it isn't very old, because it is, but of the three we are discussing it was founded last. People who practice Islam are referred to as Muslims. Muslims follow the teachings of their prophet and founder Muhammad, whose teachings can be found in their holy book, the Quran. Islam is practiced through following five key concepts, known as the five pillars of Islam. Muslims refer to their Supreme Being as Allah and they worship in a mosque, as opposed to the Christian Church or Jewish Synogogue. There are two types of Islam, Sunni and Shia.