The Mystery of the Changing Leaves 

An illustration of yellow and orange fall foliage on tall trees

Scarlett loved summer.  She loved the cherry blossoms that bloomed on the tree in her backyard, and how the petals blew around whenever there was a light breeze.  She loved to eat ice cream under this tree, and read her favorite books while the petals brushed against her face.

An illustration of a little girl admiring a cherry blossom tree

Pretty soon, she would be starting Kindergarten.  Scarlett was nervous to go to a new school with new kids.

A child's illustration of multi-colored trees

Would all the kids like her?  Would there be anyone she knew?  Scarlett didn't know.  She was nervous.

An illustration of children playing on the playground, looking unhappy.

One day, just before school started, Scarlett's dad took her outside  under her favorite tree.  "Don't worry, honey," he said.  "You are going to love Kindergarten!  Change is good.  Just like you'll be changing schools, the leaves on this tree will soon start to change too."

An illustration of a little girl and a man looking up at a tree

What?!  Scarlett had never seen this before.  She didn't want her favorite tree to change too!  "You won't be able to see it," dad had said, "But, one morning, you'll wake up, and everything out here will be different."

An illustration of a little girl admiring a cherry blossom tree

Scarlett couldn't understand how something could happen so fast.  She vowed that she would be the one to watch this happen, overnight, so she could make some sense of what her dad was talking about.  Night after night, after she was all tucked in, Scarlett crept outside in her pajamas, trying to figure out what was going on under her favorite tree.

An illustration of a little girl catching fireflies in her pajamas

But every night was the same.  The leaves still looked green, and Scarlett would just end up too cold to stay out there all night, anyway.  "Come back inside; you need your beauty rest," Dad would say.  

"But Daddy," Scarlett would protest.  "I want to see the leaves!"  

"You will," he'd say.

An illustration of a little girl catching fireflies in her pajamas

A few weeks later, Scarlett woke up very chilly.  "You'd better wear a scarf on your way to school this morning," Dad said.  Scarlett didn't realize it, but as she walked into school that day, a trail of brown and orange leaves were left at her feet.  One even stuck to her scarf behind her, but blew away when the wind kicked up.

An illustration of a girl walking while leaving behind a trail of leaves. She is wearing a yellow outfit and scarf.

When she got out of school that day, it was especially blustery  outside.  But Scarlett wasn't cold.  She wanted to feel the wind in her hair and go sit out under her favorite cherry blossom tree when she got home.  Only when she got there, something was very different.

An illustration of a little girl wearing a red sweater, running in grass.Her hands are up in the air and she is allowing fall leaves to surround her

"I want to show you something," Dad said.  He took Scarlett out under her favorite tree.  "Look up there," Dad whispered.  Scarlett looked up.  All the cherry blossoms and green leaves were gone!  In their place were beautiful, golden yellow, and bright orange leaves, that crackled beneath her feet.  Scarlett couldn't understand.  It seemed like this had happened overnight!  But every night, when Scarlett crept outside, the leaves were still the same.

An illustration of a little girl and a man looking up at a tree

"You can't watch the seasons change," Dad said.  "It happens very slowly, all around us.  When the weather gets colder, and the wind kicks up, the trees change color to tell us it is Fall."

What a miraculous  mystery, Scarlett thought.  She couldn't fully understand how it happened, but boy, she was sure glad it did!

An illustration of a little girl and a man looking up at a tree

From then on, every day after school Scarlett would take her little brother and go outside to watch the beautiful Fall leaves fall from her favorite tree.  Her favorite blue birds had left, but now Scarlett enjoyed the company of the crows, who didn't seem to bother her (as lobng as there wasn't any food around!)

An illustration of a little girl and boy looking up a tree with a black crow in it; fall leaves surround the area.

Soon, the whole neighborhood began to turn into Fall!  Scarlett and her brother rode their bikes into the park and would stare up at the beautiful foliage .  She could couldn't explain how it happened, but Scarlett knew she had a new favorite season, and set out to enjoy all of its wonder !

An illustration of children and adults playing and sitting in a park full of fall colors and foliage. The wind is blowing their hair in all different directions.

Happy Fall!  The End


*All book images come from artwork on  Text comes fromy my own work on the same website, and glossary definitions come from

An image of a little girl sitting underneath a large tree that is bare; she is surrounded by fall leaves all over the ground.