Web 2.0 Tools for the Classroom

Table of Contents


Google Forms........................................................................  1


TED-Ed................................................................................... 2


Edmodo.................................................................................. 3

Google Forms can be used to plan events, gather information or conduct surveys. This function can be accessed through Google Drive

In terms of utilizing Google Forms can be used to:

1) Collect information: For example, at the beginning of the year a teacher could have students fill out a form that pertains to their personal details such as their name, contact information and an interesting fact that they would like to share about themselves. This would be a useful way for the teacher to get to know their students.

2) Google Forms would be a fantastic means of collecting information and consent from parents for field trips. The parents could go online and enter the students emergency contact information. These eleviates the stress that comes with getting students to bring these type of forms to school. 

3) Teachers can post their marking rubics online and students can use them for the purpose of assignments.

4) Collecting homework: Students can do their homework within Google Forms and it is timestamped to show their timely completion of tasks., 

5) Google Forms could help teachers stay in contact with students and "check-in" with them to see how are they are doing.

Shy students or those who are hesitant to share personal details in class could benefit from the ability to commmunicate directly with their teachers in a private and safe environment.

This kind of technology could be easily implemented in the elementary school classroom all the way up to high school.


TED-Ed is a website that offers videos and lessons to teacher to utilize and share with students. TED-Ed offers an extensive library of videos that teach a great host of topics from Mathematics to Social Studies.

Further, TED-Ed offers teachers the opportunity to create customized lesson plans that revolve around the content depicted in the video.

Each lesson has multiple choice questions, creates discussions and links with other details that pertain to the lesson at hand.

TED-Ed is a great means of building lessons and teaching different topics in a way that is provoking and interesting to students. The ability to access this content online would make it very easy for slower learners to re-access the lessons and watch/read about the topic at-hand as many times as they wish to master the concept. 

Click on the link below to learn more about TED-Ed. 



Edmodo is a tool that allows for collaboration between teachers, their students and can be of use to the parents of students as well. Content can be shared between the teacher and the students. Parents of students can also access the content. It is quite a useful tool for helping parents stay involved in their child’s education. Things such as quizzes, assignments and communications (up-coming assignments, tests and field trips) can be posted on Edmodo.

Students and parents can log-in and access information outside of class pertaining to what assignments are upcoming, turned in, and past due. Secondly, important classroom announcements, events, or reminders. Thirdly, it can help support students who are struggling and communicate this to the teacher.

Edmodo is a very useful tool for parents to stay up-to-date on their child’s education. It is useful for students to stay-on-task and be up to speed on current assignments and tests. Also, it offers a great platform for students and parents to confidentially express concerns, worries and other matter with the teacher. This is a tool that will be helpful for students that are struggling, having anxiety about class expectations and details pertaining to assignments. It widens the dialogue between the teacher and their students (and their respective families). Shy students or those that are afraid to ask questions in class can benefit from Edmodo. It is useful for students of all ages.

To learn more about Edmodo, click on the link below:
