A Baker's Dozen

A New York Christmas Story

Once upon a time, a woman walked into a bakery. She asked the baker, "May I have a dozen of those splendid cookies I see there?"


He replied, "Yes, ma'am" and counted out 12 cookies. 


The woman angrily replied, "That's all?! 12?"

The baker replied, "That's what you asked for, and that is all that I am giving."

"She stormed out without buying the cookies. She told him, 'You will be cursed for being so stingy.'"

From that moment, the baker had the worst of luck.

All of his cakes came out flat. All of his cookies were burnt. And all of his bread was hard. 

The woman came back the next week. She, again, asked for a dozen cookies. 

The man, again, gave her 12 cookies and remarked, "I have a family to feed. I can't give handouts." She left without the cookies. 

The man grew sad, as none of the items he was making were turning out well. He prayed to St. Nicholas, asking why this was happening to him. 

The next night, St. Nicholas appeared and he spoke, "My friend, has the Heavens not been gracious and generous to you? Why are you not genrous to those around you? I have spent my life helping ill children and giving to the needy."

The man grew sad.

The next day, the woman came back into the store. The man already knew what she wanted, so he counted 13 cookies and gave it to the lady.

The lady spoke, "The curse is now broken. From now on, a dozen is 13."

His bakery was successful from then on.