Under The Sea


Jessica Tolbert


  • The Sea 

  • Plants in the Sea

  • Animals In The Sea 

  • Lobsters in the Sea

  • Whales

  • Conclusion

  • Sources of Information


We have wonderful coaches that will join us as we read! They each have a different job to help us understand the story! Let's meet our awesome new friends!

The Sea 

The sea is a large body of salt water that is home to many different plants and species

In the sea, you will find plants like sea grass and species like snails, whales, and even sharks!

There are many plants that can live in the sea. They have three special jobs. 

They provide food for other species who receive energy from eating plants.

They provide shelter for small species like shrimp and small fish.

Also, fish who are hiding from predators can hide safely among the plants.

Sea Grass

Sea grass is a plant that lives at the bottom of the sea.

Sea grass has long stems and roots underneath the sand. The long stems make it a safe habitat for small fish to live.

There are over 60 kinds of sea grass that you can find on the sea floor! 


How Does Sea Grass Live Underwater?

Seagrass is able to breathe on it's own by making oxygen, just like plants on land do!

Seagrass has to have sunlight in order to breathe and make its own food!




The sea is filled with many species that call it home.

Small fish, big fish, orange fish, blue fish.

They each live, eat, and breathe in this special place.






Lobsters live near the bottom of the sea floor, among the sea grass.

Lobsters have long bodies, claws, and a strong tail to help them move around their habitat.

Many fishermen travel to the sea to catch lobster for food!

While lobsters live on the sea floor, they also are predators who must search for their food.

Lobsters eat fresh food like crabs, star fish, and even other lobsters! 

That means lobsters are carnivores, animals that eat meat instead of plants.

Instead of having teeth in their mouth, their teeth are in their stomach! 


Whales are another animal that calls the sea its home.

Whales are large fish that can grow to be very long and very heavy!

The Blue Whale can grow to be as long as two buses and weigh as much as 15 buses!


Whales are also carnivores who search for fresh food.

What whales eat depends on the amount of teeth they have.

Blue whales have no teeth, which means they have to look for smaller animals like plankton and small crabs for food.

Whales like the Killer Whale can hunt sharks because they are toothed whales.



The sea is a diverse place that is home to so many different plants and species. 

Sea Grass grows on the sea floor and provides a habitat and protection to many species.

While both lobsters and whales are able to live in the sea while finding different food sources using their bodies' abilities. 


Blue Whale. Kids Do Biology. <kids.nceas.ucsb.edu/mmp/blue07.html> Accessed 10. Dec. 2015. 

Floirda Keys National Marine Sanctuary. Seagrass Are Flowering Plants That Grow Entirely Underwater. National Marine Sanctuaries. <floridakeys.noaa.gov/plants/seagrass.html>

Kids' Page - Lobsters. Lobster Institute. <umaine.edu/lobsterinstitute/education/kids-page/lobsters>  Accessed 10 Dec. 2015.

The Ocean Portal Team. Seagrass and Seagrass Beds. Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. <ocean.si.edu/seagrass-and-seagrass-beds> Accessed 8 Dec. 2015.

Whale Facts. <www.whalefacts.org/what-do-whales-eat/> Accessed 1 Dec. 2015.