Web Designing Vocabulary

S. Rollins

Memorial-High School

Port Arthur, TX

  • HTML Cheatsheer


< HTML > Begin the HTML page

< HEAD > Begin the heading of the document

< TITLE > Designate the title of the page

< BODY > Begin the body of the document

< H1 > Formant a level 1 heading

< H2 > Format a level 2 heading 

< H3 > Format a level 3 heading 

< H4 > Format a level 4 heading 

< H5 > Format a level 5 heading 

< H6 > Format a level 6 heading 

< BR > Add a line break 

< P > Set apart a group of the text as a paragragh 

< I > Format the text using italics

< B > Format the text with boldface

< UL > Create an unordered list 

< OL > Craete an ordered list

< LI > Specify a list item

< FONT > Specify a font chareacteristics

< A > Designate a hyperlink

< IMG > Designate an image 

< TABLE > Designate an HTML table 

< TR > Designate a table row

< TD > Designate a table cell

< TH > Designate a table heading

< FRAMESET > Designate a frames page 

< FRAME > Designate a frame within a frames page

< NOFRAMES >Designate code thatwill be dispalyed if frames are not supported

< FORM > Designate the start of a form

< INPUT > Designate a from element

< SELECT > Designate a pull-down

< OPTION > Designate an item in a pull-down menu

< TEXTAREA > Designate a text area to insert text