Web Design Vocabulary

Eyhaunna C. Brooks

Memorial High School




< HTML > Begin the html page

< HEAD > Begin heading the document

< TITLE > Destignate the title of the page

< BODY >Begin the body of the document

<H1> Format a level 1 heading

< h2 > Format level 2 heading

< h3 > Format level 3 heading

< h4 > Format level 4 heading

< h5 >Format level 5 heading

< h6 >Format level 6 heading

< Br > Add a line break

< p > Set apart a group of text as a paragraph

< I > Format the text using italics

< b > Format the text using boldface

< ul >Create an unordered list

< ol >Create an order list

< li >Specify a list system

< font >Specify fornt chararteristics

< a >Designate a hyperlink

< img >Designate an image

< table >Designate an HTML table

< tr >Designate  a table row

< td >Designate a table cell

< th >Designate a table heading

<frameset>Designate a frames page

< frame >Designate a fram within a frames page

< noframes > Designate code that will be displayed if frames are not supported