Web Design Vocabulary

Jacoby B.

Memorial High School

  • HTML Tags

  • Vocabulary Lessons 7-10


< HTML > Begin the HTML page

< HEAD > Begin the heading o the document

< TITLE > Designate the title of the page

< BODY > Begin the body of the document

< H1 > Format a level 1 heading

< H2 > Format a level 2 heading

< H3> Format a level 3 heading

< H4 > Format A level 4 heading

< H5 > Format a level 5 heading

< H6 > Format a level 6 heading

< BR > Add a line break

< P > Set apart a group of text as a a paragraph

< I > Format the text using italics

< B > Format the text with boldface

< UL > Create an unordered list

< OL > Create an ordered list

< LI > Specify a list item

< FONT > Specify font characteristics

< A > Designate a hyperlink

< IMG > Designate an image

< TABLE > Designate an HTML table

< TR > Designate a table row

< TD > Designate a table cell

< TH > Designate a table heading

< FRAMESET > Designate a frames page

< FRAME > Designate a frame within a frames page

< NOFRAMES > Designate a code that will be displayed if frames sre not supported

< FORM > Designate the start of a form

< INPUT > Designate a form element

< SELECT > Designate a pull-down menu

< OPTION > Designate an item in a pull-down menu

< TEXTAREA > Designate a text area to insert text

Lesson 7

Attribute- an addition to an HTML tag that is used to modify its properties

Container Tags- tags that work in pairs that usually have some other text or HTML in between them

Document Type Declaration(DTD)- tells the browser what type of document to expect

Empty Tags- tag that does not contain text

HTML- consists of a series of tags that can be used in a web page to designate attributes or a section of text

Hypertext- organization of units of information that can be connected with links

Ordered List- Used for items whose order does matter

Source Code- the source of what is eventually displayed on the screen

Tags- codes that can be used in a web page to designate attributes or a section a text

Unordered List- good for listing items whose order is not important

Value-specifies that the paragraph be aligned in the center of the page

Lesson 8


Absolute URL- a URL in which the protocol and web server name is used

External Link- links to documents that reside on Web sites other than the one you are creating

Hyperlink- a link to other web pages

Internal Link- links that are used to navigate between the pages of one site

IntraPage Link- a link within one Web page

Link- a pointer to a document or file somewhere on the web

Relative URL- a URL in which the document is being linked to is described relative to another location

Thumbnail-a small image representation of a larger image

Lesson 9


Cell- The area created by the intersection of a row and a column

Container- A page that will hold the frames

Frameset- The name given to a group of frames that act together to make up one Web page

Nested- Opening a new tag before closing the first one

Lesson 10

Button- To submit the information in the form to the page defined by the ACTION attribute, you will need a button for the user to click

Check Box- similar to radio buttons in that there are a set of predefined choices from which the user may make a selection

Form- An element on a Web page that is used to collect data from a Web site user

Hidden Field- allows a value to be passed from the form to the page that is specified in the ACTION attribute without the knowledge of the Web user

Label- A form element used to indicate the user on what is expected to be typed in the text box

Password Field- Anything typed in this field will be replaced by asterisks so that anyone watching cannot see the text

Pull-down Menu-used when you do not want the user to type his or her own data. Rather, you want users to choose from a preset list of options that you provide

Querystring- A search word that is appended to the URL after a question mark

Radio Button- another type of form element where the user is presented with a set of options from which to choose

Text Area- a large space in which a user can type his or her comments

Text Box- A box into which the user can key text