Web Design Vocabulary


  • Unit 3 Vocabulary


< HTML > Begin the HTML page
< HEAD > Begin the heading of the HTML document
< TITLE > Designate the title of the HTML page
< BODY > Begin the body of the HTML document BGCOLOR
< H1 > Format a level 1 heading
< H2 > Format a level 2 heading
< H3 > Format a level 3 heading
< H4 > Format a level 4 heading
< H5 > Format a level 5 heading
< H6 > Format a level 6 heading
< BR > Add a line break
< P > Set apart a group of text as a paragraph ALIGN
< I > Format the text using italics
< B > Format the text with boldface
< UL > Create an unordered list
< OL > Create an ordered list
< LI > Specify a list item
< FONT > Specify font characteristics FACE, COLOR
< A > Designate a hyperlink HREF, TARGET, NAME
< IMG > Designate an image SRC, ALT, HEIGHT, WIDTH, ALIGN, BORDER

< TR > Designate a table row BGCOLOR
< TD > Designate a table cell COLSPAN, ALIGN, VALIGN, BGCOLOR, ROWSPAN
< TH > Designate a table heading
< FRAMESET > Designate a frames page COLS, ROWS
< FRAME > Designate a frame within a frames page SRC, NAME
< NOFRAMES > Designate code that will be displayed if frames are not supported
< FORM > Designate the start of a form ACTION, METHOD
< INPUT > Designate a form element NAME, TYPE, VALUE
< SELECT > Designate a pull-down menu NAME
< OPTION > Designate an item in a pull-down menu VALUE
< TEXTAREA > Designate a text area to insert text NAME, ROWS, COLS

Attribute: an addition to an HTML tag that is used to modify its properties.

Container tags: Each HTML page that you write should have a basic set of tags. Many HTML tags come in pairs of two. These tags work in pairs usually with some other text or HTML in between them. For that reason, they are sometimes called container tags. The HTML tag indicates the start of the HTML content, while the HTML tag indicates the end of the HTML document. 

Document type declaration (DTD): Code that basically tells the browser what type of document to expect.

Empty tags: Empty tags to not have any tags and do not contain text. 

HTML: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) consits of a series of tags or codes that can be used in a Web page to designate attributes of a section of text. 

Hypertext: The idea of hypertext, or organization of units of information that can be connected with links, had already been around for a long time. 

Ordered list: In an ordered list, each item has a number instead of a bullet by it. 

Source code: The HTML code is called the source code or HTML source code since it is the source of what is eventually displayed on the screen. 

Tags: Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) consits of a series of tags or codes that can be used in a Web page to designate attributes of a section of text.

Unordered list: HTML allows you to create two types of lists on your Web page. The first type is an unodered list. Unordered lists are good for listing items whose order is not important. 

Value: Each attribute must have a value. In this case, the value specifies that the paragraph be aligned in the center of the page.