The Scrambled States of America

By: Laurie Keller

Adapted by: Megan Trotter
It was just your basic, ordinary day in the good old U.S. of A.  States all over the country were waking up, having their first cups of coffee, reading the morning paper, and enjoying the beautiful sunrise.  All the states, that is, except for Kansas.  He was not feeling happy at all.

"What's wrong?" his best friend, Nebraska, kindly asked him.

"I don't know," moaned Kansas.  "I just feel  bored.  All day long we just sit here in the middle of the country.  We never GO anywhere.  We never DO anything, and we NEVER meet any NEW states!"

"I have a great idea!" exclaimed Kansas.

"Let's have a party and invite all the other states!  You know one of those get to know you deals.  Everyone can bring a favorite dish.  We could have music and dancing..."

"That's a GREAT idea!" shrieked Nebraska.  "I wish I thought of it myself."

"Virginia and I were just talking and we thought it might be fun if she and I switched places and see a new part of the country." said Idaho.

"Yes," Virginia chimed in.  "Then we thought maybe all of you might want to try it, too.  What do you think?"

A wave of excitement swept through the room. What a great idea!

The states were happy at first, and then the excitement died down.  Florida, who switched spots with Minnesota, was FREEZING in the frosty northern climate.  Minnesota who forgot to buy sunscreen got an awful sunburn.

And worst of all, Kansas, who had switched places with Hawaii because he was sick of being stuck in the middle of the country, was now stuck in the middle of NOWHERE, feeling lonesome and seasick.

As the sun set across the country, all of the states were back in their very own homes.  The states were so happy to see their old friends again.  They spent the entire evening sharing their new experiences with each other.

That night, all the states in the country went to be feeling happy about the new friends they had made but, most of all, feeling very thankful to be home.