UDL Toolkit eBook

This eBook focuses on tools to be used in 9-12 classrooms

  • UDL Tool Kit Ebook

  • Java Physics Simulations 

  • Awesome Library

  • Quizlet


Screen shot form the front page

Java Physics Simulations

Access this tool at http://www.falstad.com/mathphysics.html

 This website allows students and teachers to visualize the physics concepts taught in highschool. 

It has 20+ applets of all sorts of different kinds of reactions. Its a creative way for students to further their learning or teachers to show or explain concepts easier.

Educational Use

The educational uses for this website are numerous. This tool is more directed at the Grade 11 and Grade 12 physics classrooms, even university. A teacher can use it to show how waves react or to show concepts that you can't physically show in classrooms. It will also help students who are having difficulties studying for an exam or doing homework by visualizing various different cases for each concept. This tool is more used for teaching than for an activity.

Removal or Reduction of Barriers

This tool will aid students who can't grasp concepts from just words or reading, as well as students who have mental issues like ADD/ADHD. This won't only help them learn but since it's an interesting turn of events for a classroom it will keep them focused.

This tool can be used for any age group, but probably won't make sense to students that aren't taking physics or age groups that can't understand. Anyone who uses this will need Java as well from the understanding that I have.

The image from the front page

The mass collection of resources can be found at www.awesomelibrary.org. This website allows anyone to be able to find resources, games, and practice problems to use in class or for studying.

It is categorized by age groups, or grades, or occupations like librarians and teachers.

Educational Use:

This can be used to help a teacher create assignment, or for students to have extra practice in the class that they take. It ranges for any grade or age but for this example it's for 9-12. Students can find numerous resources to further their curiosities or to get a deeper understanding. It can also be used by parents to educate themselves in whaat their children are learning. This tool also wide variety of choices to choose from whether you're a student, teacher, or parent.

Removal or Reduction of Barriers

This tool will aid students who don't learn well in classroom and are a more solo learner. This tool also highlights as the student reads and can read the information out to the students, so it will help students who are auditory learners.



To find this tool, go to www.quizlet.com.

This tool is a quizzing website where you make cue cards and quizzes to study and further your learning. It is a versatile website that can be used for any course. It's easy to access and easy to use.

Educational Use

The education uses for a tool like this one is that a teacher or student could set up definition matching questions or quizzes for class and or studying needs. Another aspect of this tool is that it says the words with the accents or weird spelling like greek. With that a student can learn pronunciations for words that would otherwise be difficult.

Removal or Reduction of Barriers

This app can remove the barriers for auditory learners, by reading out definitions, theories or concepts. It can be used to remove barriers for visual learners and students with ADHD/ADD because it has features that can make it into a game. So, it provides an active learning situation that stimulates the student visually and mentally.