Google Docs

Google Docs is a website connected to google in which students and teachers can all participate and collaborate regarding material covered in class. There is no limit to the number of people who can contribute to one document, therefore, it can include the whole class. People added to the group can either be participants, meaning they can change or add to the work; or they can be spectators where they can observe and leave comments on the document.

Google Docs is an efficient way to collaborate in group activities. Students who must do a group activity can form a google document where all of the participants in the group can collaborate either together, or in the comfort of their own homes. Teachers can also be granted access to either view or participate in the document. 

This form of web 2.0 allows all students of different learning styles to work together. Students who learn more efficiently through group work benefit from this due to the fact that they can work in a group, even at home. Students with higher writing skills can aid others in forming an essay. Furthermore, students who do not understand the material can be helped by their group mates via google docs. Teachers can also monitor the group's productivity through being a spectator. This will ensure all group members are participating. If a student is not comfortable speaking in class, they may find comfort in participating in a google document. This gives access to all different types of learners. 

There is no age requirement for Google Docs, therefore, it can be used for all grade levels. 

The link to Google Docs can be found below:


Photopeach is a great online tool for visual learners. It allows you to create slideshows using pictures that are relevant to the curriculum at hand. It is also free and connected to Facebook, therefore, it is easy to create an account that is connected to a website that plays a huge role in students lives and relationships with their peers. 

This tool can be used for education purposes as a supplement to the curriculum. It can give visual examples of the material at hand which engage students and keep them interested and entertained. You can also create quizzes using this app. This would be an interactive way to test students, especially for review purposes. 

Photopeach is relevant to UDL due to the fact that it can be used as a supplement to your lecture. This helps visual learners further understand the material being taught. This app would be most productive in language courses such as French Second Language. You can interact with students, asking them which word corresponds to a specific picture. This fosters classwide participation as well as helps all different types of learners. Furthermore, you can ask students to create their own Photopeach slideshow in order to present and inform the class regarding a certain topic being discussed. This will foster group collaboration and class participation, which will provide intellectual access for all. 

When creating a Photopeach account there are no age restrictions, therefore, all grades can benefit from this app.

The link to Photopeach can be found below: 

Kahn Academy

Kahn Academy is a form of web 2.0 that is tailored toward every aspect of education at all age levels. It contains many resources that aid all different types of students' learn. It also contains discussion questions and the option to formulate your own discussion forum. Furthermore, it is connected to Twitter as well as Google+ which are two great resources that foster student interactions. 

This resource is fantastic for all grade levels as well as all ages. There are a countless amount of resources to be found and explored on Khan Academy. It covers basically every subject and topic of every grade level and beyond. There is also a feature on here where, as a teacher, you can add students. You may post discussion questions regarding any topic you choose on the forum and anyone can answer them. It is a fantastic way for teachers as well as students to learn. Furthermore, Khan Academy provides exam prep forums. The exam preps cover every major exam that a student could face in their academic career.

This resource is fantastic for all types of learners. If any student is having an issue with a certain topic, they can post the question on the forum and other people will help them out. Furthermore, if the student is a visual learner, there are many videos on this website that cover many different topics. This resource is also a meeting place for teachers. Teachers can post on the forum regarding how to teach a certain topic in order for everyone to be able to learn it efficiently. Many teachers will reply to your post and you can pick and choose which method you find would work best in your classroom. This allows teachers to create lesson plans regarding certain subjects in order for everyone to learn in their preferred way. It provides intellectual access for all types of students. 

There is no age requirement to sign up and the range for subjects ascends through every age.

The link to Khan Academy can be found below: 




This Web 2.0 site is truly amazing. Students can come to this site in order to learn and practice any language they choose. This site contains resources that can help a student learn grammar as well as spelling. Furthermore, this site has an oral feature as well. Students can engage in interactive activities where they can hear the sentence being pronounced and spelled properly. This site also contains various quizzes that will help students learn the material as well as review for upcoming exams. This website operates through Babbel, which is the location of all of the interactive activities. This website also gives the choice of beginner or advanced, thus encompassing all different skill levels.

This resource can be used as an accessory for teachers. They can assign certain activities on this site and have their students complete them for homework. Furthermore, it can be used in class as an interactive classwide activity. Students can practice their spelling as well as pronunciation in and out of class using this website. This website is fantastic for students to use for review purposes and practice outside of the classroom.

This tool can remove certain learning barriers in a variety of ways. If a student learns more efficiently through hands-on or interactive activities rather than lectures, this website will help them tremendously. If a student is not comfortable speaking in class, they can practice their pronunciation outside of the classroom using the interactive activities. Furthermore, if a student is a visual learner, there are always pictures accompanied with words in every activity. If a student is an auditory learner, there is always a voice pronouncing the sentence correctly in each interactive activity. This provides access to a variety of different learners. 

 There are no age requirements for this website, therefore, anyone can join. It will ask you how old you are and it offers all ages. The link to these websites can be found below:









The End