Web 2.0 in the Classroom

Apple computer on desk with background

An eBook for K-12 students on the uses of Web 2.0 

  • Skype

  • Prezi

  • Wikipedia




Skype is a free online that enables users to contact one another through video chats, calls and messages. It is downloaded onto the user’s computer, and then used through an Internet connection. For educational purposes, students are free to communicate with one another over Skype and even hold group study sessions whilst in different locations. Another great benefit is the ability to contact experts in a certain field who can be of use to the classroom. For example, lectures can be held with guest speakers via Skype, which are just as interactive as the traditional in-class lesson and enable face-to-face discussion. This is especially useful for students who are eager to make connections and network with professionals, as well as those with limited mobility who are taking classes through correspondence.


Age of use for Skype is dependent on the user’s country of residence, and the rules specific to that country (Manolescu, 2013). While not explicitly stated on the Skype website, underage users have been denied making an account with the message "We're sorry, but you're ineligible to register for a Skype account. We apologize for the inconvenience" (Skype). 



Prezi is an app or website similar to PowerPoint that enables students to create high-tech slideshow presentations with text, images and film clips. Prezi is extremely customizable and allows users to develop unique presentations with motion and pictures. It can be used in the classroom for the teacher’s lessons, as well as for student presentations and assignments. Prezi is a useful tool to convey information to students who struggle with oral or auditory information, and who learn best through visual stimuli. Prezi presentations are also a great option for students who are not quite ready to speak in front of the class, but excel in technology and creativity.


Prezi users between 13 and 18 years of age need permission from a parent or guardian to make an account. Children may use a parent’s account with permission (Prezi).



Wikis such as Wikipedia are free, collaborative open online resources that allow users to find information on a diverse range of topics, and to contribute to information at will. Wikipedia can be edited by users themselves, and resembles an in-depth online encyclopedia. Many students from K-12 use wikis as a main knowledge source for assignments, as the information is reliable and easily accessible. Teachers themselves may even consult Wikipedia for information on certain topics. Wikis are extremely useful classroom for gifted students who are looking to delve deeper into a subject, or for struggling students who need additional explanations.


Wikipedia does not have an age requirement for users to edit or read articles. The website does however suggest that individuals under the age of 16 use safe Internet practices and protect their identity (Wikipedia).



Manolescu, D. Do you know what is your child’s age requirement to sign up online? 2013. E-crime Expert blog. Retrieved from https://ecrimeexpertblog.wordpress.com/tag/age-requirement-to-use-skype/


Stuff You Should Know When Using Prezi. 2015. Retrieved from https://prezi.com/terms-of-use/#toc4


Skype account age limit. 2012. Skype Community. Retrieved from http://community.skype.com/t5/Security-Privacy-Trust-and/Skype-account-age-limit/td-p/474381


Contributing FAQ. Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:FAQ/Contributing#Is_there_a_minimum_age_requirement_to_contribute_or_register.3F