Web 2.0 Tools in the Classroom 

Table of Contents

pg. 3 Imovie

pg. 4 Skype 

pg. 5 Twitter

  • Imovie is a web 2.0 tool that allows indviduals to make their own movies.  It is also efficent because it allows for text to be put within the movie as well you can add voice recrdings and music to otimize your video 
  • It could be used in eductaion by both the teachers and the studnets to do presentations.  It could be a mixture of words, pictures, and msuic all mixed in within the video.  This makes it so that lots of infromation can be shared in a way thats engagig for others as well as very efficent and productive 
  • This tool would be extremely effectve in reducing barriers for multiple different learners.  However I think this tool would be effective for those who struggle to learn from auditory sources.  it would really help these kids because they could see the skill which woudl help htme connect to them.  Another reason I think its very valuable tool is because it will let studnets become immaginative which will really open up their true knowldge on teh subject instead of just being able to repeat a defintion from a textboook
  • I think this could be used from anyone from about grade 6-12.  I think because of its multiple options it can be used at a basic level such as grade 6 level and more advanced levels sych as garde 12.

  • The purpose of ksype is to remove the barriers of geography to make a face to face meeting acheiavable.  It can be used to formally or informally and with just two people of a hot of people
  • It could be used in eductaion in a number of ways.  For exmaple it could be used for a guest speaker.  If you were learning a certain topic in class such as about the cree Idnians.  You could conta t a cree speaker and have him speak to your class which woudl be very easy for him as well as your class.  It can also be used as communication for sharing ideas as a teacher such as having conferenece calls with a teacher all the way acroos the world who teaches the smiliar subjects as you
  • I think it would be a good tool to help people connect and make people interested.  I feel like alot of students lack engagement because they are disinterested because hearing about people or concepts through a textbook is repetive.  However if you cam get guestspeakers or spice up shwing the conceots through skype with other teachers you could help these kids become mor einterested.  
  • I think this tool could be used throuh any level of formal or informal leanring because it can be used in so many ways.  Depending on how you incorporate it can enhnace learning 

  • Twitter is a tool that is great in helping people connect to collaborate about similar fields that they are interetsed in
  • Twitter can be used in school systems for a host of different reasons.  It can be used as a tool for the stydnets to give their opinions and their response to a teacher.  It can alsi be used to search and look at other peopls contributions to a specific topic
  • I think this tool would be good to remove barriers for certain learners because it opens up more connections which gives more chnaces of the specific indvidual to connect.  It gives more opportunties which in turn helps teh student learn teh concept better and more chnaces just to understand it.  This is helpful because we all learn in such different ways 
  • I think this is one tool that the required users would be nice from grade 6-12.  It could be used with some securuity settings for the younger students so they didnt get distcrated because i still think it coudl be very effective