Three Main Web 2.0 Tools for Teachers to Use

KAHN Academy:

Kahn Academy is an online website available for everyone to use as a free resoruce for coaching, learning and testing themseves on a variety of topics ranging from math and science to the humanities. This is a wonderful website to use in the classroom to offer a different version of instruction to students. This would allow the teacher to incorporate varying differentiated ways of instruction, becuase the use of this resource gives students a refreshing change of pace from the classroom, where they can access material at home, and rewatch videos. Thus it removes barriers for students who need to be taught at a slower, (or faster) pace than the rest of the class. The terms of service are free access for students and learners online. 


TED talks are short videos on a variety of topics spannign form humanities, business to science and personal health. They are offered in many languages, thus making them accessibly to a variety of cultural learners. The videos are compressed topics that are limited to under 20 minutes usually, delivered typically by engaging speakers. Thus these are great for the classroom as enrichment materials or review materials for students. But they also help spark passion and interest for learners struggling to find an interest in the subject. Students who need certain accomodations due to visual or behavior impairments might beneift from audio and being able to pause and replay the materia. The terms of service are free and available to anyone on the internet.


Dropbox is a online database that allows students and teachers to collaberate all of their documents and materials into organized cloud based folders. This also allows students to collaberate on work with their classmates. In addition, the ability to use dropbox on any device means that students can begin work at home and bring it to the classroom and thus pick up here they left off. This is helpful for students who need to have time to access material ahead of time, so that they have enough time on their assignments. The terms of service are a yearly fee for additional storage, but there are comercial accounts available for schools to sign up for.