Web 2.0 Resources

Author: Sara Haring

  • GeoGebra: Interactive Math Software

  • A Plus Math: Design Your Own Flashcards

  • Etutor: Online Graphing Calculator and Visuals


Name: GeoGebra

Web Address: http://www.geogebra.org


1. Provide geometry, algebra, spreadsheets, graphing and statistic software for all levels of education.

2. Authoring tool to create interactive learning materials.

Use in Education:

GeoGebra is a fantastic tool that can help a student to visualize mathematics, especially at the secondary level. From showing how squares connect to form the triangles of pythagorean's theorem, to how standard deviation effects the shape of a normal parabolic curve, Geogebra allows students to see or even manipulate variables that effect equations.

Reducing Barriers

Geogebra removes barries for students who do not learn math orally or through notes that traditionally are presented in a math classroom. It allows kinesthetic and visual learners to engage with a material they were previously being deined access to.

Terms of Service:

No age restrictions are outlined in GeoGebra's Terms of Service or House Rules. 


Name: Aplus Math

Web Address: http://www.aplusmath.com/Flashcards/Flashcard_Creator.html


1. Create custom flashcard printouts, or auto generate cards within a set of given parameters.

2. Develop and practice addition, subtract, multiplication and division problems via visual problem representation and drill.

Use in Education:

A flashcard generator can be a great help for students who like extra practice to learn or remember basic mathematical functions. Can be used as an individual study tool, or a timed game between partners.

Reducing Barriers:

Quite frequently in secondary mathematics assessments, student errors come from simple function mistakes, not from a lack of understanding of the current topic of study. Flash cards could be used as a warm up, or pre class assignment to introduce the functions needed that day. This could help students with lower functional numeracy prepare and become ready to engage fully in the lesson that day.

Visual representation of the equation and large card or font options also help remove barriers for visual learners. Students who struggle when the teacher calls on them with a verbal problem have a barrier to their learning. Flashcards could help remove it.

Terms of Service:

Information is not to be posted on this tool unless the user is over the age of 13 or the user has parental consent.

Name: Etutor graphing calculator

Web Address: http://www.e-tutor.com/et3/graphing


1. Function as a back up or online representation for a graphic calculator that can be used in demonstrations or daily homework.

2. Create visual representations automatically while student enters equation parameters.

Use in Education 

An online calculator such as this can be projected onto a Smartboard during class instruction, so that the teacher can model exactly how to use their calculators to solve problems. Its visual aid can also be used by teachers to provide quality visual aid in minimal time.

Reducing Barriers

Though calculators are often thought of a way to remove a barrier, they can sometimes serve as a barrier themselves. Any one who does not understand how to use a graphing calculator, can not afford to buy one or can not see the small buttons is denied access to many secondary mathematics lessons. By demonstrating the free, expandable calculator for students via a site like eTutor, an online calculator can allow more students access to engage with the material presented.

Terms of Service

No age limitations are cited in the terms of service.