Women Making History: 

The Story of Elizabeth Cady Stanton

Elizabeth Cady Stanton


"Sometimes change starts when our eyes are opened."

Elizabeth Cady Stanton's House in Seneca Falls

How Did Elizabeth Cady Stanton Make History?

Elizabeth Cady Stanton is a memorable name in history. Like most leaders, there were moments in her life that opened her eyes to the need for change and pushed her to act. For Elizabeth Cady Stanton, some of those moments occured in this house in Seneca Falls (as seen in the picture above). 

When Elizabeth Cady Stanton moved to the house with her husband, she found herself overwhelmed with the responsibilities of taking care of the family and household. 

"I now fully understood the practical difficulties most women had to contend with . . . and the impossibility of woman's best development if in contact, the chief part of her life, with servants and children."    - Elizabeth Cady Stanton

After Elizabeth came to this realization, she organized the first Women’s Rights Convention in 1848 where the Declaration of Sentiments was written. In 1869, she formed the National Women’s Suffrage Association with Susan B. Anthony. Through the NWSA, she inspired suffrage societies all over the country.