Apple Walk Around The Farm

Bushel of apples.

Written by Nancy Lusignan, Mary Larcome, and Sue Valente from Golden Hill School in Haverhill, Massachusetts
Illustrated by Darcy Schwartz

Boy and girl walking.

We walked all around a farm .

Some apples.

What did you see?

Barn and apple trees.

We saw a farm with apple trees.

Apple trees.

We walked all around a farm.


What did you see?

Apple trees and a ladder.

We saw a ladder on a tree.

Boy and girl walking.

We walked all around a farm.

Empty bushel, footprints, and apples.

What did you see?

Three children picking apples.

We saw children picking apples, one, two, three.

Apples on road with falling leaves.

We walked all around a farm.

Part of a bushel of apples.

What did you see?

Two bushels of apples.

Baskets of apples for you and me.

Two children walking with baskets of apples.

We walked all around a farm.

A house.

What did you see?

House with Grandma out front.

We saw Grandma. What a treat there will be!

Two hot apple pies on a table.

Apple pies as sweet as can be!

Two children with pie.

Yummy! The apple pie will taste good!


Dedicated to Jack and Sam.

Special thanks to the Massachusetts Department of Education whose funding supported teachers and parents in the development of this story.

© CAST, 2005

Grateful acknowledgment is made for permission to use the following materials in this book: apple, basket, farm, ladder, pie
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