The Great Gatsby

Chapter 9

Chapter 9

Pages 164-166

After two years, Nick says that he remembers those next few days as an endless drill of police and photographers.  Most of the reports of the events were untrue. Then Michaelis told the police about Wilson’s suspicions of his wife, Myrtle.  However, Catherine, Myrtle’s sister said that Mrytle was very happy with her husband. 

Nick called up Daisy a half an hour after they found Gatby’s body in the pool.  He was told by the butler that Daisy and Tom had gone away.  They did not leave an address to be contacted and did not say when they would be back.  There was no way to reach them.

Nick then called Meyer Wolfsheim on three different occasions to tell him about Gatsby.  The secretary just took messages.  Nick sent a note to Wolfsheim.  Wolfsheim responded with a note saying that he was sorry about Gatsby and let him know about the funeral arrangements.

Page 167-170

On the third day, Henry C. Gatz(Gatsby’s father) sent a telegram saying that he would be arriving from Minnesota and to postpone the funeral arrangements until he came.  When he arrives, he tells Nick that he heard about the Gatsby’s death from a Chicago Newspaper. Nick asked Mr. Gatz if we wanted to bury Gatsby in Minnesota.  Mr. Gatz said, ”Jimmy always like it better down east.” 

Klipspringer(the boarder) called to ask about the funeral arrangements but did not know if he would be able to attend the funeral.  He actually called to find out about  pair of shoes that the left. 

On the morning of the funeral, Nick goes to see Wolfsheim to see if he would attend the funeral.  Wolfshiem says that when men die like Gatsby, he tries to stay away. 

The only ones who attend Gatsby’s funeral are Nick, Henry Gatz, four-five servants and the post man from West Egg and “Owl Eyes” from the library.(See Chap. 3(Pg 45-46(top).


Nick decided that he did not like New York. He was going to return west.  He wanted to end things with Jordan.  He goes to speak to Jordan.  She is angry but acts as if she doesn’t care about Nick.  She said that she use to think that Nick was an honest, straight forward person. Nick is a little hurt by her actions. 

Before leaving, Nick runs in Tom on Fifth Avenue.  Nick does not want to shake hands with Tom.  He tells Tom, “You know what I think of you.”  Tom tells Nick that he is crazy.

Nick asks Tom, “What did you say to Wilson that afternoon?”


Tom says that he told Wilson the truth.  Then he says.  “What if I did tell him? That guy(Gatsby) had it coming. He ran over Myrtle like a dog.”


All Nick could say was that it wasn’t true.  He could not forgive him or like him.


The book says, “They are careless people, Tom and Daisy—they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever kept them together.


He shook hands with Tom because he realized that Tom was childish and didn’t truly understand.


On his last night in New York, Nick reminisced about Gatsby and the Green light. 


“He had come a long way to this blue lawn, and his dreamed must have seemed so close that he could finally grasp it.  He did not know that is was already behind him.