The Rules of the Lab

Staying safe and scientific

Welcome to the science lab.

Please sit still and do not gab.

Do not run and do not touch.

So we can learn so very much.

Wait for your teacher to tell you what to do.

We will start the experiment in just a few.

Raise your hand if you have a question

And teacher will point you in the right direction.

Roll up your sleeves and wear googles if needed.

When you get the lab sheet, you know you must read it.


Report spills or injuries right away.

So we can clean up and go on with our day.

Leave your space neat, just how you found it.

Take all of your stuff--don't leave without it.

The science lab can be so much fun

If we listen and get our work done.

So listen up and pay attention

Follow all rules that I have just mentioned.

Stay safe!

Be scientific!

The End.