The Missed Harvest Season

George Scott, son of a noble Irish (irlandesa) family, sat on his bed, reading the letter by the faint light of his prison cell. How cruel the tricks played by war, he thought, his eyes filling with tears.

Though George and his family were nobles of Ireland, they had previously lived peaceably in England. When King Patrick of Ireland was crowned, George had been one of his honored guests. But then Ireland and The English declared war on each other, and George was drafted into the Irish navy. He was captured (capturado) in battle and imprisoned (encarcelado) by King Patrick.


George’s childhood sweetheart, Lily Bell, had promised to marry him (Casarse con èl) when he came back from the war (guerra). Now it seemed he would lose Lily as well as his freedom.

George sat thinking for many hours, the letter lying loose in his hand. At last he crossed to a small table. Dipping his pen in an inkwell, he began to write.

The next morning right after dawn, the response came. The King had agreed! George was set free as a bird—at least until the harvest.

George scurried home where Lily met him with open arms and a warm smile.

Her father, Sir James was not happy to have him back, but the next day Lily and George were married.

It was now spring (La primivera). The sun was shining and the flowers were blooming and finally it was time for planting (Plantar) 

George soaked up all the sunshine but he could not help but think in only a few months, He would have to harvest his crop and return to King Patrick’s prison.

George thought long and hard about what he would plant. He went to the fields and planted his seeds, placing each of them six steps from the rest (Seis pasos uno del otro). 

Later that fall, a courier arrived from King Patrick. “The harvest season is past,” he said. “The King awaits your return (El rey espera tu regreso)"

“But my crop (cultivo) is not harvested,” said George. “In fact, it has not yet sprouted (brotado)!”

“Not sprouted?” said the courier. “What did you plant? (Que plantaste?)

“Pine trees (Los Pinos),” replied George.

When King Patrick heard what George had done, he laughed and said, “A man like that does not deserve to be a prisoner.” "Que el hombre no merece ser prisionero."

George was allowed to remain home with his darling Lily. Today, a magnificent forest stands as a testament to his love for her.

Hoy en día, un magnífico bosque se erige como un testimonio de su amor por ella.