This is the story of The Tortoise and the Hare

This is the story of The Tortoise and the Hare

Once there was a tortoise and a hare. The hare went all around the town, bragging about how fast he could run. One day the tortoise, who did everything at a slow but steady pace, became irritated at the hare’s boasting. So, the tortoise challenged the hare to a race. 

When the time came for the race, the tortoise and the hare waited at the starting line. The hare was feeling very sure that he was going to win the race. He looked down at the tortoise and said “How do you expect to win against me, the fastest in all the land, with your slow pace?” The tortoise laughed and shook his head. “You shall soon see” he said back to the hare.

Soon the race started and the hare took off at a great speed. The tortoise, on the other hand, took his time. He walked along the racing path at a slow but steady pace. About halfway through the race, the hare was in the lead. He looked back and saw that the tortoise was way behind him. He said to himself. “Since the tortoise is so slow and is way behind me, I have time to relax.” The hare then laid down in the grass and fell asleep. 

While he was sleeping, the tortoise began catching up to the hare. Soon he made it to the finish line and all the other animals cheered. The loud cheers woke up the hare. He quickly crossed the finish line but became confused when he saw that the tortoise had gotten there first. “How did you beat me? I am the fastest animal in all the land!” He said in disbelief. The tortoise smiled and replied, “You shouldn’t brag about your super speed because slow and steady is how I won the race!”