Tom's World

Once upon a time there was a boy named Tom who wanted to get to know his city

One day, Tom decides to go out and explore the city alone, finding spectacular things and places.

Tom, I take with his camera, I wanted to photograph every place I visited and the people there

When he left his house, Tom decided to meet the supermarket, because he was curious about this place and because people came out with bags.

Later, Tom decided to go to visit park, where he left with his parents to play, and watched as the people had fun there.

At that moment, Tom remembers a place that he likes very much, the pet store, because he loves animals

After Tom was in the pet store, he saw his favorite restaurant in front, where they sold the most delicious Lasagna.

Then, Tom goes to the mall, going through each place.

Tom leaves the mall, when he walks down the street he saw the fire station, and was very excited to see it, because when he is big he wants to be a great firefighter.

Tom finally went to visit his school, remembering the way, because it was one of his favorite places and they could not miss.

Tom finally came home, remembering the places he met.