The Story of

Little Red Ridinghood

Once Upon a Time...

There was a little girl. Her name was Little Red Ridinghood.

Little Red's grandmother had a cold, so Little Red wanted to bring her some sweets in a basket to cheer her up.

Little Red had to walk all the way through the woods to get to Granny's house.

While Little Red Ridinghood was walking through the woods, a big bad wolf jumped in her way!

"I'm going to eat you!," said the wolf.

"Oh no!" cried Little Red. "But you can't eat me. I need to bring this basket of sweets to my grandmother. She is sick."

This made the wolf think. Maybe he could get two meals instead of one. He decided to let Little Red go.

Then the wolf ran ahead to grandma's house. He planned to eat Grandma and then Little Red too!

The wolf broke into grandma's house. 

"I'm going to eat you!" he screamed.

"Oh no! Please don't eat me," asked Grandma, but the wolf did not care. Right as he was about to eat her, there was a knock at the door. The wolf did some quick thinking and shoved Grandma into a clost then put on some of her clothes and jumped in bed.

"Come in!" said the wolf.

Little Red Ridinghood came into the room. She looked at Grandma's bed. 

"Grandma, you look different. What big eyes you have."

"The better to see you with," replied the wolf.

"What big arms you have."

"The better to hug you with."

"What big teeth you have."

"All the better to eat you with!"

The wolf jumped at Little Red

Just then, a lumberjack burst through the door and killed the wolf. 

"How did you know I needed help?" cried Little Red.

"I saw the wolf come into the house and I thought there might be trouble. Good thing I stayed near by," answered the Lumberjack.

Little Red Ridinghood and the Lumberjack let Grandma out of the closet and they all lived happily ever after.