We all have responsibilities! These are things that we don’t always want to do, but we are supposed to do. When we are responsible, everyone is happy!

Sometimes, my mom doesn't want to tuck me in before bed because she is very busy. But she does it anyway, because it is her responsibility. This makes me happy!

Sometimes in my class at school, We are doing a lesson that I don’t want to do. 

This makes me feel like kicking and screaming and crying, because I don’t want to do this!

I see that my teacher and my classmates are not happy because of my behavior. 


I remember another time that my little brother started kicking a screaming in the grocery store, and that upset me and my mom a lot.


So I understand why my teacher and my classmates are upset.

I don’t want anyone to be upset because of me!

Whenever I feel like this I must remember to STOP


and REMEMBER, sometimes I have to do things that I don't want to do. But it is my responsibility to do them anyway!

If I can’t keep calm…

I can always ask my teacher for help!

When I am responsible, everyone is happy!

Even if I don’t want to do something in class, I must remember it is my responsibility to participate. The lesson will be fun! And all my friends and my teacher will be happy.