Using Google Slides as a form of assessment evidence!

Written by: Jacob Gilbert

Designed by: Jacob Gilbert

Table of Contents:

Page 1: Introduction

Page 2: Table of Contents

Page 3: Loading Google Slides

Page 4: Creating and renaming your slides

Page 5: Adding a theme and content to your slides

Page 6: Assessment evidence and desired results

Page 7: Essential Questions

- Start by opening your Google Drive or Gmail account.

- You will see a 9-dot array in the upper right hand corner.

- Select that and select your yellow, Google Slides icon.

- On the next screen you will see a big white box with a plus sign in the middle.  Click on that!

- It will bring you to this page, immediately in the upper left corner you will see the words "untitled document," click on that rename your file.

- You are now able to create a Google Slides assessment artifact to demonstrate your understanding of this tool.

- Be sure to add pages, text, pictures, and transitions 

- Part of the next set is selecting the theme from the right hand side.

- Simply start adding your content to your artifact.

- Adding pages, text, and pictures will help to demonstrate mastery of tool. 


(Unit requirement and curriculum)

Will include traditional tests and quizzes teachers will take on what they learned on using Google Classrooms/ G Suite Tools and Apps, additional apps from Google such as Google Slides, Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Drawings, Gmail, Google Calendar, and additional Google sites. Observations and dialogues can also be used to assess understanding.



(Per professional development unit)

Teachers will use more confidently and effectively (or increase use) of Google apps and tools, as well as have a Google Classroom ready to use.


Professional Development Essential Questions:

How can using Google tools save me time and increase student collaboration and engagement?

 - Using Google Slides spark a creative side in the learner.  The learner will be able to visually express their understanding of a topic as well actively engaging in their learning process by developing a presentation from scratch. 

What are the benefits of using Google Classroom for students?  Are there any drawbacks to consider?

 - Google Slides is aligned with Google Classroom.  All work can be submitted via online.  Benefits range from increased student participation, decreased behaviors with a 1-1 ratio of technology, and exposure to virtual classrooms and assignments.

- Drawbacks are limited exposure due to lack of technology.  Technology unavailable at home will present limited time to complete assignments. Over use of technology could increase boredom amongst experienced users.